10 Steve Harvey Quotes That Will Motivate You

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Check out 10 Steve Harvey Quotes today.

10 Best Steve Harvey Quotes

1.“Change comes in every person’s life. You can either react to it or you can participate in it.” – Steve Harvey

2.“I aim for stuff so big, that the dream is bigger than the fear.” – Steve Harvey

3.“He’s an honest man who does what he says.” – Steve Harvey

4.”Your reality is yours. Stop wasting time looking at someone else’s reality while doing nothing about yours.” – Steve Harvey

5.“Martin Luther King Jr. said something that I will always remember. He said, “A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.” Don’t bend over. Stay tall. Keep climbing.” – Steve Harvey

6.“The 4 P’s to success: pressure, persistence, perseverance & prayer.” – Steve Harvey

7.”I was looking at my coffin choices, I was thinking about getting the player’s special, the one with the diamo.” – Steve Harvey

8.“You have the potential for greatness.” – Steve Harvey

9.“Your setback is just a setup for a comeback.” – Steve Harvey

10.“Your gift is something that you can do innately better than anything else.” – Steve Harvey

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