10 Nikola Tesla Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Nikola Tesla Quotes today.

10 Best Nikola Tesla Quotes

1. “In a crystal, we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.” – Nikola Tesla

2. “Throughout the infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe.” – Nikola Tesla

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3. “The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind.” – Nikola Tesla

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4. “No free energy device will ever be allowed to reach the market.” – Nikola Tesla

5. “Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists.” – Nikola Tesla

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6. “Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.” – Nikola Tesla

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7. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

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8. “To know each other we must reach beyond the sphere of our sense perceptions.” – Nikola Tesla

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9. “You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” – Nikola Tesla

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10. “I could only achieve success in my life through self-discipline, and I applied it until my wish and my will became one.” – Nikola Tesla

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