Check out 10 Langston Hughes Quotes today.
10 Best Langston Hughes Quotes
1. “I wish the rent was heaven sent.” – Langston Hughes
2. “Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be.” – Langston Hughes
3. “Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid.” – Langston Hughes

4. “Money and art are far apart.” – Langston Hughes

5. “The only way to get a thing done is to start to do it, then keep on doing it, and finally you’ll finish it.” – Langston Hughes

6. “Good morning, Revolution: You’re the very best friend I ever had. We gonna pal around together from now on” – Langston Hughes

7. “Road’s in front o’ me, Nothin’ to do but walk.” – Langston Hughes

8. “Life is an egg you have to be patient and careful with it or it will break.” – Langston Hughes

9. “I dream a world… where wretchedness will hang its head And joy, like a pearl, attends the needs of all mankind. Of such I dream, my world!” – Langston Hughes

10. “I am the American heartbreak- The rock on which Freedom Stumped its toe.” – Langston Hughes
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