10 Humanity Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Humanity Quotes today.

10 Best Humanity Quotes

1. “I love humanity.” – Albert Einstein

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2. “Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart.” – Rumi

3. “In a gentle way you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

4. “My work is about helping humanity.” – Agnes Denes

5. “The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.” – Leo Tolstoy

6. “The true happiness of a man is having clear conscience and being useful for humanity.” – Leo Tolstoy

7. “People have become educated but have not become human.” – Abdul Sattar Edhi

8. “Be kind to all creatures.” – Buddha

9. “Who are we as human beings if we ignore the suffering of others?” – Anonymous

10. “If you cannot find faith in humanity, be the faith in humanity.” – Anonymous 

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