10 Ego Quotes That Will Help You Transform

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Check out 10 Ego Quotes today.

10 Best Ego Quotes

1. “In their dreams at night, people wander around as long as they sleep; just so, they are under the power of the snake Maya, as long as their hearts are filled with ego and duality.” – Sri Guru Granth Sahib 

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2. “Anytime there is a struggle between doing what is actually right and doing what seems right, then your ego is interfering with your decision.” – Darren L. Johnson 

3. “Remove the Ego and Avidya (Ignorance) is gone. Look for it, the ego vanishes and the real Self alone remains.” – Ramana Maharshi 

4. “Anytime there is a struggle between doing what is actually right and doing what seems right, then your ego is interfering with your decision.” – Darren Johnson 

5. “Ego has a voracious appetite, the more you feed it, the hungrier it gets.” – Nathaniel Bronner Jr. 

6. “The ego is not master in its own house.” – Sigmund Freud 

7. “Egotism is the source and summary of all faults and miseries.” – Thomas Carlyle 

8. “Apology is only egotism wrong side out.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes 

9. “The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.” – Alan Watts 

10. “As the ego cogito, subjectivity is the consciousness that represents something, relates this representation back to itself, and so gathers with itself.” – Martin Heidegger 

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