Check out 10 Ed Mylett Quotes today.
10 Best Ed Mylett Quotes
1. “We should always be in the process of changing and becoming the next, best version of ourselves.” – Ed Mylett
2. “You want to do something for your self-esteem? Start doing things no freaking crazy person would.” – Ed Mylett

3. “Success is inside it comes from you.” – Ed Mylett

4. “If you have truly committed to your dreams, there is no obstacle too big.” – Ed Mylett

5. “Life is beautiful. Life is precious. Life is short. Spend it in peace and not at war with yourself.” – Ed Mylett

6. “Life’s going to give you ultimately what you’ll fight for.” – Ed Mylett

7. “Where you are now in life is the sum of the decisions you’ve made.” – Ed Mylett

8. “Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.” – Ed Mylett

9. “A real friendship is not about what you can get, but what you can give. Real friendship is about making sacrifices and investing in people to help them improve their lives.” – Ed Mylett

10. “I am chasing a guy. The man I am chasing is the better version of myself, the man I am capable of becoming, the man I was put on this earth to be.” – Ed Mylett

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