10 Deep Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Deep Quotes today.

10 Best Deep Quotes

1. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

2. “Cleverness is not wisdom.” – Euripides

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3. “Sleep doesn’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.” – Beverly Rubik

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4. “Nothing will work unless you do.” – Maya Angelou

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5. “Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso

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6. “I can resist anything except temptation.” – Oscar Wilde

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7. “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi

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8. “People do not lack strength; they lack will.” – Victor Hugo

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9. “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” – Alexandre Dumas

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10. “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca

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