10 Blue Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Blue Quotes today.

10 Best Blue Quotes

1. “Blue seems to be overall one of the more positive colors, and a little more serious than yellow.” – David Carson

2. “I live for those who love me, for those who know me true, for the heaven so blue above me, and the good that I can do.” – George Linnaeus Banks

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3. “Having talent is like having blue eyes. You don’t admire a man for the color of his eyes. I admire a man for what he does with his talent.” – Anthony Quinn

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4. “Those big blue eyes were swimming, and he was afraid that if the first tear fell, he would break and carry her off anywhere she wanted to go.” – Nora Robert

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5. “Blue is the only color which maintains its own character in all its tones. It will always stay blue.” – Raoul Dufy

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6. “Blue suggests the sea and sky, and they, after all, are in actual, visible nature what is most abstract.” – Yves Klein

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7. “Good things are associated with blue, like clear days, more than singing the blues. Just the word ‘blue’ in the singular is full of optimism and positive connotation to most people.” – David Carson

8. “But the sky was never quite the same shade of blue again.” – Anne Rice

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9. “The fading blue of yesterdays sky is reminding of the hopeless love I told the moon about you.” – Laura Chouette

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10. “I love the ocean. I’ve always liked the blue, so tranquil and peaceful and gliding. And the fear of it.” – Siouxsie Sioux

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