10 Twin Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Twin Quotes today.

10 Best Twin Quotes

1.“If you are a twin, you watch yourself live two lives – yours and hers.” – Christa Parravani

2.“In this life, we will never truly be apart, for we grew to the same beat of our mother’s heart.” – Daphne Fandrich

3. “Sometimes miracles come in pairs.” – Richard Branson

4.“You are the male I might have been. You are the potential I had and lost.” – J.R. Ward

5.“When twins are separated, their spirits steal away to find the other.” – Jandy Nelson

6.“It would be both an identical work of art only by its difference. The same but different, he suggested, like twins.” – Johnny Rich

7.“For all twins, may you hug, smile, and laugh throughout your life with your best friend.” – Linda Herron

8.“Being human makes us one. Be uniquely ourselves makes us individual.” – Nancy S. Mure

9.“Because they’re twins. They’ve got each other, wolf.” – Ben Elton

10.“Being a twin is like being born with a best friend.” – Tricia Marrapodi

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